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Firebudz: "It saved my grow from death"

Dan Jimmie: "I immediately saw a difference"



No BS..We have used many different inoculants over the years and have found DYNOMYCO® to be far superior than any other myco product we have tried. We will be using this product every season. If you want Healthy Roots & Explosive Growth choose DYNOMYCO®.

Frogville Farms

I’ve seen more than exceptional results!!! I’ve used a few other companies (without dropping names) and this batch of seedlings have the best batch of roots. Not just one pheno but every cup looks like this. I used DYNOMYCO® in every cup this round and I will not go with another myco company!! Hats off!


I love it. Wish I had grabbed another bag at cannacon when I saw you guys lol. I definitely prefer DYNOMYCO® over some of the other top brands I’ve used in the past. Great product!


I don’t promote stuff very often, but when I do, I believe in it. DYNOMYCO® Inoculants is the truth. Transplanted these a week ahead of schedule and the growth and canopy has been exponentially larger.


You are a genius. My little babies have took off! I top dressed my young wedding cake seedlings 2 days ago with DYNOMYCO® and watered, they’ve doubled in size since.


I have a cola growing that is big right now and she’s not even close to being done all thanks to DYNOMYCO® inoculants for making such a superb product.


All I can say is wow! DYNOMYCO® just tried your product and the roots on my clones are growing faster than my other ones where I used a different brand. I am convinced and I will be using your product - keep up the great work!


Love the product. Don't transplant without it. Did a side by side same strains but one with DYNOMYCO® and one without and the one with yielded almost an ounce more. Facts speak for themselves. Thanks guys!


DYNOMYCO® was recommended to me by several people. I grabbed it with a little apprehension still but the root growth has been nothing short of miraculous. Definitely recommend to anyone looking to up their root game!


The first two are with DYNOMYCO®. The last two are without. Both same strain autoflowers, not only is the plant benefitting, my cover crop is as well. It’s astounding.


Yesterday morning while I was inspecting the hemp field the difference between these two rows leaped out at me. The plants on the left had DYNOMYCO® product added to the holes when they were transplanted, the plants on the right did not. The fungal spores seem to have bound to the roots and the plants they have partnered with are healthier, greener and more vigorous than their untreated peers. I’ll be using DYNOMYCO® for all plantings next season.

Canyon Beaver Wind

I’ve been a Gardner for years. Each season I start my plants from seed, that way I have control from the start as far as inputs go. This season I was lucky enough to receive a few samples of DYNOMYCO® mycorrhizal inoculants to add to the garden. When transplanting the seedlings to the greenhouse I inoculated each plant and have seen nothing but success since. The health of the plants this season indicates the myco helped source the food from the inputs in the soil. Looking forward to the end of season yields.

Full Duplex

DYNOMYCO® love your product! Have used it in the last couple rounds. A great, affordable product that all growers should stock.


I love this product. My landscaper and I call it our “secret sauce.” I would not plant anything without it. Everything I’ve used it on has flourished.

Stephanie Wright

My grow is so much more healthy this season. I put your inoculants in the soil a week before I transplanted my clones. I’m seriously impressed with the results. We’ll have a look at the rhizosphere post harvest. 11 out of 10 stars so far. I recommend this to every gardener.


So happy to have a supply of DYNOMYCO® to do my potting and transplanting, by far my favourite mycorrhizal product and if you try it I’m pretty sure it will become yours too!


Explosive growth. Simply put. DYNOMYCO® mycorrhizae is one of the best inoculants I've found, hands down. This grew my plants so much faster than anticipated it actually caused scheduling issues, but big plants are not a problem I mind having!

Matt G

Did a side by side comparison with another product on the market and all I can say is DYNOMYCO® blew it right out the tent! Never going to use anything else besides this, if you haven’t tried this product I highly recommend you can thank me later.


Hey guys! This is my first time using this product. let me tell you how great this stuff is and easy to use. I decided to use this inoculate in my garden instead of the brand that I normally use. I used DYNOMYCO® to transplant every plant in my greenhouse this year. Every single plant transitioned without any transplant shock what so ever. Fast forward almost 2 weeks later and all my plants are extremely healthy and thriving! Definitely ordering more for my indoor winter

Jennifer Ta

The very best mycorrhizal product out there, and I've tried them all. I use it for seed starting, and every transplant event. I have never seen faster and better results - No stress at all and fast root growth in new media observed within 24 hours. I can't speak enough good about this product and have brought it up in multiple forums that I participate in, with everyone that tried it, agreed and saw excellent results. I highly recommend this product - I just bought a large pouch and I will never be without it.

Richard A. Okun

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